Wonky Bow Tie free block pattern

Now that you've seen my Bow Tie Required quilt, I thought I would share a tutorial for making the Wonky Bow Tie blocks featured in the quilt.

These blocks are so easy and fun—no, they really are! I guarantee even a total newbie can knock these out and make them look great. I'm thinking a block like this would be cute centered on pillows, as a table runner—you name it.

1. Stack a 6” x 10-1/2” piece of Business and Leisure's Suncoast print on top of a 6” x 10-1/2” piece of white solid, edges aligned.

2. Cut both pieces diagonally, from corner to corner. This should not be an exact cut, but slightly uneven and off from the corners, asshown.

3. Pair the Suncoast print pieces with the opposing side’s white solid pieces, as shown.

4. Place a white solid piece on top of its matching Suncoast print piece, right sides facing. Stitch down the angled edge with a 1/4” seam. (Notice that the white piece is slightly offset from the Suncoast print piece. This is necessary to get the raw edges to align, but since you'll be trimming the blocks down in a later step, it's not the end of the world if your pieces don't quite line up.)

5. Press seams open. Repeat with the other pair of pieces. You will now have two pieces that look like this.

6. Stack these two pieced units together, with Suncoast print stacked on top of white solid on one side, white solid stacked on top of Suncoast print on the other side, as shown.

7. Cut both units diagonally, from corner to corner, with an uneven and “wonky” cut as you did in Step 2, but this time cut in the oppositedirection.

8. Find the two pieces that look like this. (The other two pieces can be discarded, saved for another project, or used on the back. I used mine on the back of the quilt, as you can see in this blog post.)
9. Align the two pieces along the angled edge, right sides facing, making sure the opposite angled seams intersect 1/4” from the rawangled edges. Sew with a 1/4” seam along the raw angled edge to complete a Bow-Tie Unit. Press open.
10. Trim the Bow-Tie Unit so that it measures 5” x 9-1/2”.

11. Join two Bow-Tie Units together as shown to make a Double Bow-Tie block. The block should measure 9-1/2” x 9-1/2.”That's it! Enjoy the block.