WIP Wednesday: Autumn WIPs

It's another rainy fall Wednesday! Here's what's happening in my studio this week.

Skirts! That's what's happening! Flannel skirts, because of the rain and the fall and all that. I hope you all saw my post last night with my finished Tiny Pocket Tanks, and the next pattern that Jemellia and I are doing for our Sew-Off is the Get Up and Go skirt by Deborah at Whipstitch. The flannels above are Robert Kaufman's Shetland and Mammoth flannels, and they are so delightfully soft and delicious.

Also in the works ... my Fair Isle Sew-Along! I hope to have an official announcement post up tomorrow, and we'll start the sew-along the following Thursday. There's still time to get the pattern and order fabric—click here to pick up the pattern. Hard-copy paper patterns are also now available! Yay!

I can't wait to see what YOU'RE working on this week! Here's how to link up:

1. Link up any blog post or Instagram photo from the past week that features an unfinished work-in-progress (WIP).2. To link an Instagram photo, click the Instagram icon at the bottom of the link-up screen, and use the URL of your IG feed as the link (for example, my URL is www.instagram.com/freshlypieced). Please hashtag #wipwednesday and mention me, @lee.a.heinrich.

3. If you are linking to a blog post, please link back here to my blog somewhere in your post.

4. Comment on at least a few of the other WIP Wednesday links, either IG or blog—commenting on the two or three links directly before yours works well to make sure everyone gets comments!

Click here to see this week’s links


Fair Isle Sew Along starts Oct. 23


Tiny Pocket Tank