Introducing ...

A new feature is coming to Freshly Pieced starting tomorrow: The Work-In-Progress Wednesday link-up. I hope you'll all join in!

I know it's fun to have a "finish" to show off. But just because you don't have a completed project doesn't mean you haven't been working your butt off, right? And the biggest accomplishments are not always finishes. Sometimes what seems like the smallest hurdle can be the toughest—like when you finish squaring up hundreds of HSTs (been there!). Or when you finally decide how to quilt that special top. If you overcome a challenge (or are just gearing up to tackle one), I think it's worth telling the world (or at least this corner of the blogosphere).

Not only that, but if you're like me, you've got a few (ahem) things going at once. It can be hard to keep track of them all when you've got a to-do list a mile long. So even if you've done exactly nothing on your WIPs in the past week, just organizing them into a happy little list might be exactly what you need.

So: Let's post about our WIPs for Work-In-Progress Wednesday and help motivate each other. Here are the rules:

1. Do a blog post about your WIPs. You can list them all, like I did last week, or just highlight one or two. Say a few words about where each one is at in the process, and what progress you've made since last week. And no, your WIP doesn't have to be a quilt. Any sewing project is fair game.

2. Link up here on Wednesday.

3. Please link back to my blog in your post. If you want, you can grab my WIP Wednesday button, over there in my sidebar. Put it in your own sidebar, and you won't have to remember every week.

4. Browse everybody else's WIPs. And please comment on some of the other links. Let's all cheer each other on and take pride in our accomplishments, big or small!

Hope to see you, and your WIPs, tomorrow! And thanks again to Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy—doing the linky was her idea. Since she thought of it, go comment on her WIPs first! : )


Work-In-Progress Wednesday Linky


Quilt Story