WIP Wednesday #19
Welcome to WIP Wednesday. First, let me apologize: I wasn't able to get around and visit all of the links from last week. I really hate that, because I love that you're all here to share, and it's so inspiring to see what everybody's been working on. But I've had swap deadlines, quilt-along preparations, and sick kids to boot (again!). I promise I'll visit everybody's links this time around, although I may not get there until the weekend. Don't wait up for me.So what's been happening around Freshly Pieced headquarters? Well, you already heard: Sick kids, deadlines, yadda yadda yadda. Somehow I managed several finishes anyway. Not to worry, there's plenty more where those came from.
Ongoing projects:1. supernova rainbow, 2. supernova1, 3. SQA - Fabric Selection 2, 4. Stacks of color for Supernova, 5. OZ Stack, 6. Supernova fabric picks, 7. Supernova Fabric.jpg, 8. DSC_2076, 9. 03-22-11 Supernova QA fabrics (I think)Supernova Quilt-Along