Quilting Goals 2011: Just Checking In
As some of you might remember, back in late December, Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy hosted a linky for 2011 quilty goals. I'm a list gal, so I was happy to join in. Well, one quarter of 2011 is now gone–how am I doing on that list? Much like Elizabeth and Becky, I was pleasantly surprised at my progress. At the time, I thought I had set a rather high bar for myself, but if I keep it up, I should hit my goals and then some. I guess that can happen when you're doing something you really enjoy.1. More quilts. Check. Kind of. Jennifer's Intersection(s) pattern is still sitting, but I did make a girly companion for my Modern Meadow baby quilt—that was my Urban Lattice quilt. No progress on bed quilts for Miss E. and my niece, and I completed exactly one block for the Bloggers' Block-A-Palooza quilt-along, but one down out of 5 isn't too bad, I guess.
2. Bees. Check. I've made some gorgeous blocks for bloggy friends near and far.
3. Swaps. Check. I sent my DQS quilt off to Australia, and received a lovely one in return! Now that's swap success. : ) And I'm currently wrapping up my Make Mine Modern swap items.
1. Supernova -playing around, 2. Supernova red WIP2, 3. Supernova blocks, 4. Block on design wall,Not fully sewn together yet!, 5. Supernova block #1, 6. 1st Supernova piecing, 7. Supernova blocks, ready for next week, 8. Supernova Quilt Along - Piecing Sub Blocks 1-6, 9. Supernova QAL, my first blocks4. A quilt-along. Check. Have you seen what showed up in the Supernova Quilt Along Flickr group over the weekend? Wow, you guys are rocking it!
5. Quilting for charity. Check. I've already made six blocks for Do. Good Stitches quilts, and next month I'm taking on the role of quilter in that bee, which means I get to design the quilt, collect the blocks, and put them all together into a finished piece. In addition, I made this quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest and raised $80 for Haiti by selling pillows in the Quilt Hope In etsy store.6. Holiday stuff for 2011. Nope. I want to make a tree skirt, stockings for the whole family, and a Christmas quilt. No progress here.7. Learn to free-motion quilt. Nope. No progress here. But I did sign up for the Free-Motion Quilting class at the Sewing Summit. : ) So no worries about that until October, right? (Yes, I'm going to the Sewing Summit! Can't wait!)8. Rent the long-arm quilting machine at my LQS again. Nope. Haven't done that yet. But still want to.
9. More finishes. Check. Kind of. My goal was to finish 12 quilts in 2011, so I'm currently right on track with 3 finishes in 2011. I also wanted to do more of my quilting myself, and of my 3 finishes, 2 were quilted on my home machine, while one was sent out to the long-arm quilter. So totally on track there as well! : )