WIP Wednesday: Anniversary edition
That's right! WIP Wednesday is one year old this week!
Hopefully you already saw my big finish of the Original Supernova. Completing that long-term WIP was my way of kicking off this week's celebration. But wait–there's more! Today I'm featuring the 8 original WIP Wednesday linky ladies from one year ago. I want to thank every one of you who has linked up to WIP Wednesday over the past year. WIP Wednesday got its start after I had already done a few of my own (non-linky) WIP reports, and Elizabeth had the genius idea that I turn those weekly posts into a linky. That first week, eight people linked up. A year later, look how it's grown! I love hearing that WIP Wednesday motivates people and helps them get things done.
Another shout-out goes to the 8 wonderful ladies who linked up that first week. You guys have been with me from the start, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I also think these 8 bloggers represent a nice cross-section of the many quilters who link up each week. So instead of my usual WIP rundown (which will return next week), I thought it would be fun to find out a little more about their WIPs.
Elizabeth of Don't Call Me Betsy
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
Looks like it was back in June, when I was averaging more than 10 projects at a time, like WIP Wed #30.
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
Right now, my longest WIP is definitely my Single Girl quilt. The top has been finished since March, and I can't seem to bring myself to attempt quilting it. It's king-size, and though I've quilted 3 queen-size quilts, there's something about those extra 10" or so that keeps freaking me out. I'm fully aiming to finish this quilt before the end of the year.
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
I think my favorite finish at the moment is definitely my most recent finish—Fabricland. The design is near and dear to my heart and it is just so soft and perfect for snuggling.
Leila of Sewn by Leila
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
I would guess that I average 5-7 fairly active works in progress. We don't count the ones that haven't seen the light of day in over a year, right?
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
I have been quilting for 10 years, ever since a friend talked me into going to a block-of-the-month club at a quilt store. My oldest not-at-all-in-progress quilt is that block-of-the-month quilt. What to do for the border has hung me up for years. I think I have decided to do an applique border, but I don't want to start another handwork project until I finish up my Grandmother's Flower Garden hexagon quilt—which I wrote about in my first WIP Wednesday post. My little girl and the quilt have both grown in the last year, but they are not finished yet.
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
One of my favorite finishes this year is the Tree Quilt I made for my brother. It was made from blocks from the Bee Improvisational group and I love it. I made a smaller version as a commissioned quilt this fall—I'm still in love with the design. Now I need to make a full-sized quilt for myself.
Melanie of My Fifteen Minute Break
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
Right now I am at my highest. I stopped counting at 20 ... way too depressing.
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
My grandmother's flower garden quilt. I don't know if I'll ever even finish it! It's so not my style anymore, and it's so time consuming. I haven't touched it since last year and don't miss it at all!
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
My Dr. Seuss quilt for the baby! I think it's super cute and I was actually able to finish it! Amazing in itself!
Becky of Becky's Blabber
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
A guess would be about a dozen (everything from cut pieces to finished quilt tops all ready to quilt).
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
That would be my first quilt, started for my boyfriend at the time, who's now my husband of 19 years. I finished it last year on our 18th anniversary.
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
In the last year, it would probably be my first Project Linus quilt ... made from an old UFO that I dissected and split up into 2 smaller "charity" quilts.
Ann of A Girl In Paradise
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
I would have to say somewhere around 6 or 7.
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
Ironically, it would have to be my Apple Core Quilt and my 2010 scrap quilt, which I wrote about in my first WIP Wednesday post. Before I started blogging, I was actually pretty good about finishing a quilt.
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
That would have to be the memory quilt that I made for a friend. It was a quilt that I designed myself and I just love how it came together.
Amy of Harriet Homemaker Strikes Again
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
I had to laugh at this, since I probably have the longest list of WIPs on the planet. There are somewhere in the ballpark of 30 in various stages.
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
That would be the very first quilt I made, the Sherbet quilt. It took 3 months to start, another 3 months to piece the top, another 3 months to make a back, then another 14 months (give or take) to get to the quilted stage. How many months until I bind it? Who knows!
Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
I think my two favorites would be the Sleepytime Baby quilt I made for my cousin's baby, and the collaboration quilt made with my mom and sister for my friend's baby.
Thearica of Pig Tales and Quilts
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
I don't keep track of my UFOs, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say I have close to 20. I host a lot of swaps on a quilting forum and I need to get all of those blocks into tops and get them quilted!
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
That has to be my Sunbonnet Sue and Overall Bill Travel the World swap quilt. I hosted a swap in 2005 with 50 quilters. We each made 50 blocks using either the Sunbonnet Sue or Overall Bill pattern, so that we all received 1 block from each swapper. I have yet to make those blocks into a quilt, but I plan to do it someday!
Susan of The History Quilter
What is the largest number of WIPs you've had going at any one time?
I've had as many as 6 projects on my WIP list and have worked very hard not to increase that number, as I have little space in my house for storage.
What is your longest-standing unfinished WIP?
Sliced Coins is my quilt that has been on my WIP list the longest, as I joined the Sliced Coins Quilt-Along with Elizabeth back in January. The quilt top is finished but has been languishing in my closet (where I have most of my WIPs) for months. I would like to finish this one up, as it is destined for a spot at the end of my bed.

Tell us about the WIP finish in the past year that you are most proud of:
Honestly, my greatest WIP is my Supernova, as I was instantly drawn to the pattern/quilt-along when Lee first announced it. As I moved through the QA, I felt my skills getting better, and although the finish is not perfect, I learned a great deal about quilting. Supernova is now folded nicely on my couch and joins me on my lap on the nights I actually have time to sit on the couch.
Well thanks, Susan! And thanks to all the ladies for the fun run-down, and for being there for my fledgling linky a year ago.