WIP Wednesday: Sewing Summit prep
It's been all about prepping for Sewing Summit around here this week. And I'm not even talking about all the work Elizabeth and I have done for the class we're teaching together!

I got this adorable flannel for half-off at Joann's the other day. Can't wait to make myself some foxy lounge pants in Jana's class.
This charcoal heather knit will soon become a maxi skirt in Leanne Barlow's class. I'm just glad to finally have this fabric in my hot little hands—I ordered it from Fabric.com on September 21, and they didn't ship it until yesterday. And that was only after I made a threatening phone call demanding that they overnight it, or else. What is up with them lately??
I picked out this happy stack for the Curves Mini Quilt class with Christina of The Sometimes Crafter. Most of these prints are from Art Gallery's fun new line, Floressence, paired with a texty background print from Mama Said Sew by Sweetwater.
Last but not least, I can't wait to learn how to machine-piece hexagons, partial seams, equilateral triangles, and more with my friends Kati and Faith. For their class, I'm using some of the yummy new Kona colors, like Carrot, Citrus, Peapod, and Azalea.I'm off to Salt Lake City later today, and I'm really looking forward to seeing friends both old and new! So if you're attending Sewing Summit, I would love for you to introduce yourself. I'll be hanging out in the sewing room during open sewing time most nights, and I would like nothing better than to see some of your WIPs in person instead of on a computer screen for once! So don't be shy. :) For those who didn't get into my Foundation Paper Piecing class with Elizabeth, I'll be doing a short informal class on foundation piecing in the sewing room on Thursday night at around 10 p.m.—come join in!
And even if you won't be at Sewing Summit, you can still share. Here are the linky rules:
1. Link up any post from the past week that features at least one unfinished work-in-progress (WIP).
2. Somewhere in your post, you must link back here to my blog. (Or grab my WIP Wednesday button for your sidebar.)
3. Comment on at least a few of the other WIP Wednesday links. Because what fun is a linky party without comments? : )Can't wait to see some of you in Salt Lake City! Safe travels!