WIP Wednesday: Guest hosted by Heidi at Buttons and Butterflies
Guest posting at Freshly Pieced? I am sure Lee is already regretting that she asked me...I cannot be trusted.
Hi, I’m Heidi! *huge grin and wild waving* I blog over at Buttons and Butterflies. I am always good for a laugh, especially at my own expense! I blog about quilts, crafts ... you name it. And sometimes I pretend to be professional and do a tutorial or two. On occasion, I shamelessly and blatantly plaster my cute little Button over there.
He is the youngest of my four boys and can usually be found in my studio. Santa just brought him this adorable wooden sewing machine and I can't get him out!
I am so excited about being here because ever since I linked up my firstWIP post, I was hooked! It keeps me accountable. No stress, just refocused each week! My google reader is filled with posts from ladies I found here! I adore the blog community because it keeps me connected with like minds.
Without further ado, my WIPS!
Doll Crib Set
A doll quilt, pillow cover, and a mattress cover. I was really excited to finish it this past Friday. I like to think it is the delicious lemonade I made out of lemons!
It is myfirst finish of the year and it is my favorite so far! To find out the details on the actual quilt and the before of the doll crib, you can go HERE! I don't want to clog up Lee's space with my glee over this project.
Kiddie Kitchen Dishtowel
For my little Button. Santa delivered a sweet little kitchen set for him. He has been struggling with my large dish towels on his tiny plastic dish set. I had some UFO blocks from my Dots and Checks quilt at hand and since I had already sewn four blocks to make a throw pillow cover that I didn’t really love?

I simply folded it in half and ... voile ... a dishtowel for a little tike! I know it isn't a traditional towel, but the kid doesn't seem to mind, so score!
I still had eight blocks leftover. I just made them into quilted coasters.

I know, I know. Not a WOW! project. Do me a favor and don't yawn too hard, okay? Hey, sometimes you just have to get things out of the way to de-clutter for more important things!
In Progress:
Something Folded
I always manage to get myself in a pickle. You would think I would learn to just do things simply, but instead I make it quite complicated! Amy at the cute life asked if I would contribute to her Something New Sampler Blog Hop. Naively, I agreed to take on a folded block. Of course, I couldn't adapt a folded star block to the unusual size for the sampler, so I have decided todo something different.
My something different might end up being something awful. We shall see. Feel free to check in and see if it is something disastrous or something brilliant. Low expectations right now around here!
Scrap Attack
No, not the infamous #scrappytripalong on twitter, instagram and flickr! I am going to march to my own tune and sing “la-la-la-la” every time I see it! It is amazing, but I just cannot allow myself to be distracted from the many projects I need to get done this year! I hope I have time this summer to take it on!
Myscrap attack involves panels which will be future throw pillow covers. I am using a ripand stitch method to bring some blues into my very red/gold/green/orange family room.

I am at the “hmmmmm....zipper or buttons?” stage right now!
Turtle appliqués
One of my Butterfly Kisses moms who was so thrilled with her embroidered blanket she thought of me when she had a dilemma. She found a turtle quilt set at Pottery Barn that she fell in love with for her newest arrival. Unfortunately, she could not purchase it because it was no longer available.
I have finalized my turtle sketch and have my fabrics all chosen ... seersucker and Kona solids to liven up the pink quilt she purchased. All I have to do is find a little time!
Stars and Stripes Hexi Quilt
I am determined to do a holiday quilt other than Halloween this year. I don’t want to stress myself out and try to attempt a Valentine’s quilt, so I thought I’d be generous and give myself seven months for this one. However, I sometimes amaze even myself that I can’t stay focused. I thought I would spend the holidays getting templates cut and the fabrics chosen and pre-cut.
Instead,I already have 300+ hexis basted. This was supposed to be my "on the go" project because I spend quite a bit of time sitting in the car. Carpool line, lessons, practices, you name it! However, I have been home for two weeks and I can’t keep my hands off of it! Whoops!
No progress
I have three quilt tops completed and one top very close to flimsy status. They are officially UFOs.
Christmas quilt (sew my appliqué trees on, piece the two halves, and quilt)
Baby Sean's Quilt (piece the backing and quilt)Do. good Stitches (quilt)
Spiders and webs, part deaux (piece back and quilt)
New Projects
I have a few projects that I organized last Thursday, but they are not worthy to introduce yet, however this one is taking some serious shape.
Button’s Twin Quilt
It's the last BIG sewing project I have for Button’s nursery. Considering he is turning two in February, I feel this needs to take top priority. It isn’t necessarily “new”, but it is actually no longer a “in my head” to do. You know the ones, right? The ones you know you have to do, but can’t seem to start. I can officially say this one is finally taking shape!
I have a pattern designed and fabric chosen. Now I just have to get to work!
I can't wait to visit all the link ups today! Thank you Lee for having me! I am sure you can’t wait for me to leave, I am such a blog hog.....
So what are you working on this week? Whatever you're sewing, link it up here! Just remember the rules:
1. Link up any post from the past week that features at least one unfinished work-in-progress (WIP).
2. Somewhere in your post, you must link back here to my blog. (Or grab my WIP Wednesday button for your sidebar.)
3. Comment on at least a few of the other WIP Wednesday links. Because what fun is a linky party without comments?