100 Quilts For Kids baby quilt

Because "in just under the wire" is now apparently my quilting motto, here it is—my entry for 100 Quilts for Kids, the charity quilt drive hosted by Katie at Swim Bike Quilt.

I'm just gonna say it: This quilt is kind of a hot mess. Fortunately, you have to look closely to fully appreciate the poor construction of some of these blocks. And my efforts to minimize the cut-off points just seemed to make the background wonky instead of improving things. So just don't look too closely. Please and thank you. Lol.

That's close enough!
Okay, I actually like this particular block a lot, so you can look a little closer at this section.
Other things I like about this quilt: My polka-dot background choice, the red cross-hatch binding, and the deliberately over-the-top vintagey goodness of the whole thing.

I quilted it with vertical wavy lines. This is my go-to form of quilting when I want to finish something in a hurry and without having to concentrate very much. Just set your machine to the wavy-line decorative stitch, adjust the settings to a much longer stitch-length and maximum width, and there you have it. It's quilting that looks free-motion but actually isn't. You move the quilt straight, the machine does all the work.
Threw a binding on and I was good to go. All told, I spent about two hours quilting and binding this little quilt. It's nice to go for the fast finish every once in a while. I haven't yet figured out where I'm donating this, but I hope whatever child ends up with it enjoys it, flaws and all.
The 100 Quilts for Kids linky closes tonight at midnight, but even if you're reading this after the linky closes, stop over there and check out all the beautiful quilts! What an amazing outpouring of effort and kindness.